Learning Innovation

The Learning Awards 2023: A Learning Community Celebrating Together

Posted by iAM Learning
LPI Awards

You might have heard quite a lot about one of the biggest dates in the L&D calendar lately... the Learning and Performance Institute's annual Learning Awards, which took place in one of the most glamorous parts of London last month. Well, we were lucky enough to be there and rub shoulders with some of the very best in the world of learning and development right now - and on top of that, we even got to present the Start Up of the Year Award as proud sponsors of the award category!

Here, our very own Lead Learning Consultant, Lauren Kemp, shares all the glitz and glam of joining this prestigious L&D event...

The Learning and Performance Institute’s annual Learning Awards was back in full swing- an event I’d heard so much about with its glitz, glam and accolades for all things L&D , but this was my first year getting to attend and experience it first hand. So I’m going in with high expectations. Thankfully to say it didn’t disappoint is definitely an understatement! 

You can expect a champagne reception, networking time, a three-course dining experience, Claudia Winkleman’s jokes and winner announcements, a live band, and lots of dancing and laughter. 

Since making my way into the world of L&D a couple of years ago, the industry has become my home thanks to the personal and professional growth opportunities that have come my way, and friendships I have made. Nights like these really reaffirm what a truly wonderful thing we are all part of. To be joined by my special colleagues, as well as partners and customers of iAM Learning, it really was a special celebration of everything we (all) are building. And hey, it’s always nice to get glammed up right?! I think I’d forgotten what it feels like to get so dressed up - and I definitely need to do it more often! 

Learning Awards 2023
Learning Awards 2023
Learning Awards 2023
Learning Awards 2023
Learning Awards 2023

The essence of the event reaffirmed for me what it’s all about - the awards, the finalists, the winners and celebrating innovation and achievement in all things workplace learning. From learning providers, teams, leaders, start-ups and even emerging talent, the evening celebrated it all. I want to extend a big congratulations to Nick Holmes from Fishawack on winning Learning Leader of the Year - seeing iAM Learning customers (shout out Fishawack Health!) becoming leaders and pioneers across the industry as a whole really highlights the trajectory and journey we are on here at iAM Learning too. We’re consistently and constantly inspired by our partners, customers and community and this evening was no different.

Since it was my esteemed colleague, Nathan, Chief of Sales, presenting this one, I would also be remiss not to give a special congratulations to the Start-Up Learning Provider of the Year - Project Controls Solutions Global. As Edmund Monk rightfully said in the evening’s opening remarks, winning an award is about more than just the accolades - but every year this evening and the awards serve as a platform for people and companies to accomplish outstanding things. I am so excited about what this year will bring for you, and all of the other winners! And if anyone needs a sign to apply for a 2024 award, then THIS is it. What have you got to lose? 

I think that if I were to summarise the evening, the main word that sticks in my head would be community. It’s a true pleasure to be part of an industry which feels so supportive, nurturing, and filled with highly-ambitious people. Colleagues and industry peers have quickly become more than that too - they've become friends. And to those who have gone out of their way to offer me and others advice, support and even more structured mentoring and coaching (because a rising tide lifts all boats, right?), thank you. I am so excited to see what 2023 brings to us all in the world of learning and development. I for one am feeling inspired for another year of learning, growing, and flourishing in this industry! 

Rather than continuing to gush and express gratitude in solitude, I’d love to hear what your key takeaways were from the night? Are there any big plans that have been inspired or are already well underway? I’d love to grab a coffee and hear more about how you’re going to achieve big in 2023. 

Tom Gagen
Lauren Kemp

Lauren Kemp
Lead Learning Consultant, iAM Learning


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