Learning & Development

Embracing Neurodiversity: Tailoring Learning Approaches to Suit Every Individual

Posted by iAM Learning
Tailoring Learning Approaches to Suit every Individual
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Why should we embrace the differences between us in the workplace? Some companies think that people from the same backgrounds and experiences would be of a similar mindset and gel better, but this isn’t necessarily the case. Actually, celebrating neurodiversity in the workplace provides many benefits. 

Like what? Well, improved inclusion, for one. Teams get to pool their unique strengths and perspectives. That in turn advances innovation – neurodiverse teams have fresh ideas and take new approaches. Expanding talent pools to include a more neurodiverse team has the bonus of attracting other talent and enhancing company culture. And companies that are known for being ‘neuro aware’ tend to have a boosted reputation. 

A special week to help businesses embrace neurodiversity seems to be in order then. Something like… Neurodiversity Celebration Week. Lucky us, it already exists!  

What is Neurodiversity Celebration Week? 

 Neurodiversity Celebration Week is a worldwide initiative challenging stereotypes and misconceptions about neurological differences. It’s designed to transform how neurodivergent individuals are perceived and supported by giving organisations chances to recognise neurodivergent talents. It also creates more inclusive, equitable (fair for all) teams celebrating the differences between us and empowering every individual within.   

Why is Neurodiversity Celebration Week important?  

Neurodiversity Celebration Week raises awareness, breaks taboos, and creates inclusive environments, including in workplaces. It recognises how everyone’s individuality continually shapes an evolving world. 

 What are some of the recognised Neurodiversity terms? 

 Although everyone is an individual, and everyone’s condition is unique to them, there are certain terms which are broadly recognised as being under the umbrella term of neurodiversity. They include conditions such as:  

ADHD: ADHD stands for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. People with ADHD can have trouble focusing, controlling impulsive behaviour, and being overly active. 

Autism: This is a developmental disorder that affects how people communicate and interact. People with autism often have difficulties with social skills, speech, nonverbal communication, and repetitive behaviours. 

Dyspraxia: This is a neurological disorder that affects movement and coordination. People with dyspraxia often have difficulty planning and carrying out physical tasks that require balance, fine motor skills, and spatial awareness. 

Asperger's: This is a developmental disorder on the autism spectrum. People with Asperger's often have difficulties with social interactions, restricted interests, and repetitive behaviours. 

Dyslexia: This is a learning disorder that involves difficulty reading and writing. People with dyslexia struggle to identify speech sounds and manipulate them to form words. 

As we mentioned earlier, no one can truly be categorised. Everyone’s condition is unique, and their condition doesn’t define them as a person. For more information about neurodiversity terms, it’s recommended that you check out the College of Policing’s neurodiversity glossary.  

 Why is accessible learning needed? 

Neurodivergent individuals often have what may be called executive functioning deficits, including challenges in planning, organising, prioritising and initiating tasks. They may struggle with the simplest of things, like arriving to work on time, but be outstanding at other areas. Training can develop them, and they can get the most out of their working experiences. 

 Creating an inclusive environment in the workplace and beyond is crucial as neurodiversity awareness grows. Accessible learning using technologies and communication styles tailored to each person is part of that. Look for a training provider that offers learning through videos, text, and things like podcasts to cater to people’s personal preferences 

Neurodiversity Celebration Week provides opportunities to recognise talents, break stereotypes and empower individuals. Celebrate with us by providing training to employees on understanding neurodiversity, highlighting neurodiverse role models in your sector and perhaps hosting panel discussions where neurodivergent employees can share their own experiences and insights.  
This week is also a good time to review policies and procedures through a neurodiversity lens to identify areas for improvement in inclusion. Supporting neurodiversity means creating equitable, inclusive cultures and accessible learning suited to each person.  

Want to know more?

If you want to know more about Neurodiversity Celebration Week please visit the Neurodiversity Celebration Week Website. If you want to see the huge variety of our online training content, please get in touch with us today, or sign up for a FREE 7-day trial to try iAM Learning for yourself. 

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