Learning & Development

Menopause in the Workplace: What You Need to Know

Posted by iAM Learning

Don’t believe people when they say that only a cross-section of society is affected by menopause. We can all be affected in some way. Someone going through it could be in your team, a partner, a family member, or a friend. However, talking about menopause can be difficult. Affected people may feel embarrassed; it’s incorrectly considered too ‘personal’ to discuss.

According to BUPA, 900,000 employees in the UK have quit their jobs because of it. So, as ‘embarrassing’ as it might seem, it’s imperative that it’s discussed at work. We need to handle it maturely and sensitively, regardless of our role.

Supporting those affected at work can help to increase staff retention, reduce recruitment costs, and improve productivity. But more importantly, it can increase happiness and wellbeing for everybody affected and beyond, and ensure a more diverse workforce.

We’ve created this blog to give you the lowdown on menopause in the workplace and signpost you to some other useful sources.

What is menopause and what are common symptoms?

People often refer to “the menopause” negatively. But it’s simply a biological change. Menopause is when a person stops having periods and is no longer able to conceive naturally. It’s a natural stage of life when the individual’s oestrogen levels decline. Most individuals go through it between the ages of 45 and 55, but symptoms can begin months before their periods stop and can last for a few years afterwards.

'Perimenopause’ is the phase leading up to menopause when hormone balance starts to change. During this time, the person may start to be affected by menopause symptoms but is still having periods. The symptoms last on average for four years, but for some can last much longer.

There’s a range of Menopause symptoms, including some that probably aren’t relevant to work and the workplace. We discuss them here though, not only for others to help identify them but also so those who experience these symptoms can self-diagnose. After all, if symptoms are common, they might not have even considered that the cause may be menopause. Here’s what’s widely agreed to be the most common symptoms:

  • Hot flushes
  • Night sweats
  • Mood swings and anxiety
  • Vaginal dryness (no need to blush, this is natural, though unlikely to affect people at work)
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Losing interest in sex (again, this probably won’t come up around the workplace)
  • Difficulty remembering things and concentrating, sometimes referred to as ‘brain fog’

The key with symptoms though is to remember that everyone is different. Symptoms can fluctuate and be felt to varying degrees so it’s important to take a flexible approach and check in regularly with each person individually. You’re clearly not going to notice some of these in the workplace, and it’s not appropriate to ask about them.

Why is it important to talk about Menopause?

Did you know; menopausal individuals are the fastest-growing demographic in the workplace? That means more people than ever in the workplace may be struggling to manage the psychological and physiological changes their bodies are experiencing.

Symptoms of menopause are clearly personal and can feel embarrassing to talk about openly. So, it’s not a huge surprise that historically it’s been a taboo subject. But that needn’t be the case. We’re adults, right?

Often a few simple changes to the working environment can make a world of difference. Even just talking openly about menopause can reduce the impact of some symptoms. Consider this; if the people around you were all understanding about what you were going through, you’d feel less anxious because any symptoms you might show are easily explained, which in turn makes you sleep and feel better and may even reduce those symptoms. Overall, discussion and education will enable people to continue performing well in their roles.

Symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, and increased anxiety have led to many people leaving their jobs while others are forced to take long-term absences from work to manage their symptoms. So, it’s critical that everyone understands how menopause affects the people directly experiencing it and impacts those around them, too.

Bringing menopause into focus in your workplace

Well-known brands and entities, such as the NHS, Royal Mail, and BBC have signed the Menopause Workplace Pledge. More and more companies are making a commitment to recognise the impact of menopause in the workplace and the importance of providing support for individuals.

Start the conversation about menopause at work

Attitudes are changing, so that those with menopause don’t feel embarrassed discussing their problems. We all have a part to play in making them comfortable in the workplace. With over half of the working population experiencing symptoms of menopause in their lifetime, now’s the time to address the topic openly. 

We’re all learning to discuss race, gender, and generational differences more openly at work and menopause must be raised to the same level. Let’s take that step forward to a more progressive workplace together.

Don't forget to grab your free eLearning course 'Menopause Awareness at Work' and help get the conversation going in your business.

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