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Leadership Live 2023: Insights & Inspiration

Posted by Lauren Kemp

The recent Leadership Live 2023 event in Birmingham left attendees fired up and ready to make some serious positive changes to their leadership approaches. Whether you're an aspiring manager seeking inspiration, a middle manager looking to maximise your potential, or a seasoned leader ready to embrace new challenges, this event had something for everyone. With its engaging sessions, interactive workshops, networking opportunities, and insightful conversations with sponsors, Leadership Live 2023 was a goldmine of inspiration and practical knowledge on all things leadership.

A diverse and dynamic lineup

Picture this: The event was held at the impressive Hilton Metropole, right at the heart of Birmingham NEC grounds. The organisers curated a diverse lineup of seasoned speakers who delved into various aspects of leadership, management, innovation, and personal growth.

We were treated to keynotes from the likes of Bronwyn Williams, Paul Sloane, and let's not forget the highlight of the event for me personally, Ad Davies - the Head of Performance & Culture at Gymshark. Ad Davies' keynote was a refreshingly honest reflection on leadership, performance, and a candid exploration of the mistakes we all make. He showed us how to respond to these mistakes, learn from them, and even use them to our advantage. It was a genuine, down-to-earth perspective that resonated deeply with everyone in the room.

Empowering leaders with practical insights

The event wasn't just about passive listening, though. Leadership Live 2023 provided a plethora of workshops and interactive sessions that allowed attendees to roll up their sleeves and get hands-on with their learning. These workshops covered a wide range of topics, from mastering effective communication techniques to navigating ethical decision-making and strategic planning.

Participants had the opportunity to enhance their skills and gain practical insights that they could apply directly to their leadership roles. The collaborative atmosphere in these sessions was truly special, with attendees sharing real-life workplace challenges and collectively brainstorming solutions. I spoke to someone who came into one of these sessions seeking advice on a pressing issue they were facing, and they left equipped with actionable solutions and approaches. Talk about practical and timely insights tailored to their specific needs!

Of course, what would a leadership event be without networking opportunities? During the scheduled breaks throughout the day, attendees had the chance to rub shoulders with speakers, engage in inspiring conversations with fellow delegates, and share stories and advice.

The buzz and energy during these networking breaks and evening drinks were infectious. Personally, I cherish these moments the most at these kinds of events because you never know who you'll strike up a conversation with. I had an inspiring chat with two incredible female leaders that left me feeling motivated on a very personal level. And let's not forget the lively atmosphere around the iAM Learning's stand. The iAM team were talking about all things leadership and management training, explaining how our customers are using our bitesize, animated content as part of a Leadership suite of training (e.g. with in-person workshops and other resources) to provide a well-rounded experience. 

Continuing the learning journey

In true post-Covid fashion, Leadership Live 2023 wasn't confined to the physical event itself. Attendees were encouraged to continue their learning journey through an exclusive online community platform. This platform allows delegates to connect with their peers, access additional resources, and carry forward the conversations that ignited during the event. It's safe to say that this event left all of us feeling inspired, empowered, and armed with new strategies to become effective leaders in our respective fields.

There was a real sense of collaboration, learning, and growth permeating throughout the event. As we return to our organisations and communities, armed with the insights and motivation gained, I suspect we’re ready to drive positive changes. Whether we lead a small team of two or oversee multiple global teams and business units, Leadership Live 2023 has equipped us with inspiration and tools. 

Lauren Kemp - Lead Learning Consultant | iAM Learning
Lauren Kemp
Lead Learning Consultant

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